Category: Reader Friendly

  • Hunting Through The Job-o-Sphere

    If you swing a cat down a street, chances are you will hit someone looking for a job or someone counting their lucky stars they have one. ‘It seems no one feels very safe at the moment,’ a friend warned. ‘You should feel lucky too.’ Apparently, one can’t switch on a TV without fear mongering […]

  • Valentine’s Has Passed!

    Not everyone can get to be an everyday hero on Valentine’s. Not everyone gets to come to the aid of a box full of kittens in front of their beloved’s lustful gaze; feed a homeless person a banana or purchase cigarettes for a minor. For those lucky to be attached during or around February the […]

  • Poetry Corner: Somnio, Spero, Victum!

    Now, you are sleeping, so late at night   Eyes closed and lost in dreams I think of you. In the frost of winter, where nothing clear it seems   Yet, your lover thinks That he does deem Indeed, he is so lucky To cherish you, my love, so he can you esteem   Hold […]

  • Dialogues I: ” Peter”

    “On your way to a job interview,” said my old boss who was also a good friend, “you must always be prepared.” “No kidding.” “Be serious! You only have one chance to make a good impression.” He continued. “The secret to success, is to read them before they read you. Companies are faceless corporations. Pure […]