Ah, Toronto.com, thanks for the memories.

Finding the notebook with all those poems (Read: ‘From the Archives’) made me remember that I used to do a lot of writing when I was younger. For example, when I was nineteen I used to work as a freelance writer for www.Toronto.com. On a hunch I decided to see if there was anything left, after all I must have written dozens of reviews from book stores to restaurants. So I started doing a quick google search and voila!

I found one.
Actually two, but the link for the review for the World’s Biggest book store was dead. I could not believe my luck though since I wrote these little reviews almost a decade ago. I don’t even remember writing this particular one, but I do remember the chance to work from home and going by my own schedule. Quite a different job structure than now. Life was good.

Here is THE one left: http://toronto.citysite.sl.ca/profile/146916/

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