Month: December 2005

  • Ah,, thanks for the memories.

    Finding the notebook with all those poems (Read: ‘From the Archives’) made me remember that I used to do a lot of writing when I was younger. For example, when I was nineteen I used to work as a freelance writer for On a hunch I decided to see if there was anything left, […]

  • Rogers does it again!

    I really dislike Rogers. I am one of the many who has had a history of bad experiences with their services. Also, I have found some of their procedures to be sneaky and underhanded. For example, I got a Nokia 6190 through Rogers three years ago due to a corporate deal I was illegible through […]

  • From the Archives I

      I while ago, I had to do a little bit of rearranging in my place. As fate would have it, I ended up finding some really old notes inside one of the dressers, particularly a notebook that I had not seen in a number of years. Now, I am not a big fan of […]

  • A bishop, a belcher and Stevie

    I love reading. The seed was sowed –whether I had liked it or not– when I was a wee lad, no older than four I think. I was curious about the colour of the sky, so I went to my father, the fountain of all my knowledge back then and asked why it was blue. […]