
Jazz at The Pilot

Busy a Sunday it has been. For the most part pleasurable. Went out with the social group again. I have to, in order to organize it into a lean, mean social machine. Still a few people short from all those who RSVP’ed – read my entry on Insomnia to get what I am talking about.

This time, for some live Jazz at The Pilot which in case you may not know, it’s located in Yorkville, but sans the posturing and attitude. As a hole in the wall, is classified as a tavern, you would think it to have a lot of everybody-knows-your-name regulars. Which in fact it does, some going back at least 20 years. Although I don’t think the regulars go around advertising it, as it lacks the glamour of other life achieving benchmarks.

Either way the music hit the spot. Sure there were a few holiday songs which I know I’ll get sick of hearing throughout the season. However if this is going to happen either way, then we might as well start off with a welcoming Jazz arrangement of them, as if to wash our auditory palate clean –a musical wasabi if you will— before the regular renditions hit full force.

The main singer, Laila Biali is very talented and the place was very intimate in size. We got lucky getting a table near the band, the acoustics were all right like most places in Toronto but it was free –aside food and drink— which would have been asking too much.

I am happy to report that as time goes, more and more familiar faces are starting to show.
An excellent sign that people are starting to get connect, which as the organizer, I am starting to feel like I am making a positive difference.

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