Author: Mauricio

  • Ironing Lonely

    As I walked through the back alleys of downtown Toronto, this image suddenly presented itself to me. A little peculiar and definitely not something I see everyday.

    Because of the large hotel and the vast number of empty windows, this singular figure carried a lot more weight than at first glance.

    It made me focus on the proverbial loneliness of the traveler and the dissociative tendencies & mode operandi of most hotels. He is doing what he needs to do near a window, as if looking out into the world passing him by while he does one of the most mundane of shores. Maybe trying to cheer himself up and getting ready for the rat race to come the following day. Since the view of that suite would not have been much to look at… There are two large buildings just south of this hotel thus blocking the view of most of downtown, but better than looking at a wall.

    This photo was taken using a Nikon D700 and 50mm, 1.8 lenses.