Author: Mauricio Alas

  • From the Archives II

    (Notes at bottom). The Date The sweat on the small of his back gave it all away The fulfilment from the date was surprising for a first As it is hard to resist love on the first day of May And a Spring which makes people for seduction lust and thirst Regardless of age, from […]

  • Update: Rogers does it again!

    After the media got a hold of it. The Mighty Ted Rogers realizing the client would not go away into that gentle goodnight and pay $12,000 — sorry, it was up to $14,000 acrued to the interest charges while the matter got resolved– AND allowed a mockery to be made of his cellular business has […]

  • Ah,, thanks for the memories.

    Finding the notebook with all those poems (Read: ‘From the Archives’) made me remember that I used to do a lot of writing when I was younger. For example, when I was nineteen I used to work as a freelance writer for On a hunch I decided to see if there was anything left, […]

  • Rogers does it again!

    I really dislike Rogers. I am one of the many who has had a history of bad experiences with their services. Also, I have found some of their procedures to be sneaky and underhanded. For example, I got a Nokia 6190 through Rogers three years ago due to a corporate deal I was illegible through […]