Category: Paintings

  • A Birthday Gift Story (First Useful Painting)

    Rewind to a few years ago… Okay. So while sipping green tea in my lonely apartment, a friend of mine rang me out of the blue and asked ‘So, what are you bringing to the birthday party?’ Surprised by such forwardness, I answered the only way I could, with a heartfelt, ‘Who the hell is […]

  • My Paintings (Part II)

    This is one of my first *real* paintings where I actually tried to convey a message. The ‘Sandman’ is a piece where the observer might not be sure at what exactly they are looking at. Whether it is a wineglass or a hourglass, a surreal bowler hat adds to the anthropomorphic work and asks to be open […]

  • My Paintings (Part I)

    A few weeks ago, I attended a star-studded and relatively new European Film Festival held in the glorious…well, actually my ancient-locally-owned independent movie theater about twenty minutes from my house… and on top of that, the screenings were free. So…maybe it was not all that but you really couldn’t go wrong with that. Anyway, one […]

  • Fightin’ Stress — Paint Through It!

    Fightin’ Stress — Paint Through It!

    Stress comes in many forms and sizes. It is part of life and for some out there it happens more often than with others. People handle it differently, depending on the subject in question. I once knew someone who lost their home, separated from their wife and got laid off work, all within the same […]