Author: Mauricio Alas

  • Mauricio Alas | Photography

    Mauricio Alas | Photography Facebook Fan Page Tomorrow will be my first real photo-shoot after my car-hit-my-bike-then-fell-on-my-bike accident and I am excited. It will be a portrait shot for a professional violinist who wants to update her portfolio Now regarding my broken leg, I am certain to attest, last time I fractured my leg, it […]

  • Yelping Elite

    One of the worst side effects of being stuck at home with a broken leg is that you are pretty much homebound. You can’t go anywhere, well you can although everything becomes a crazy obstacle course. Everything has to be planned well in advance. Stairs turn into major hazards. Streets are adventures to be crossed […]



    I must admit it,  ever since I broke my leg (more on that later) I have become a bit of a hermit. I generally only go out when truly needed and to host a few of my Speak Spanish To Me language events. Aside from that, I have sadly spent most of the time indoors, healing […]

  • Fine Print

    Fine Print a photo by Mauricio Alas. A while ago, a few friends and I decided to get together to have a Posada™ which is a very popular Mexican tradition. Which also means that it is a very Christian tradition in some Latin countries meant to represent and/or recreate Maria and Joseph’s search for shelter […]