Category: Reader Friendly

  • Lanthos: A Poetry Collection

    Have to admit, have been quite busy with side projects in the last 2 months! So I will just jump into it and without any further ado, I would like to share with the world my entire poetry collection!  ‘You wrote poetry?!’ You may ask. Yes, indeed, I did. For many years before I switched […]

  • My Photography Portfolio!

    I am launching my new photography portafolio website today! This is something which I have been thinking of doing for quite sometime and finally, now that I had some free time, I managed to slap something together. Which by the way I have to admit, I am quite happy how that got slapped. Not too shabby if I say so myself. I am very excited and hope you take the chance to check it out it share your opinions!

  • The Coca Cola Case: When Goliath Is Anxious

    Coca-Cola is a North American media darling and is currently the brand most recognized in the entire world. A friendly, bright & perennial brand, normally associated with having a good time with good friends. They have spend hundreds of millions of dollars to achieve this very goal. So very far removed from the reality of this media empire’s hundreds of alleged kidnappings, torture and murder of union leaders who tried to improve working conditions in Colombia, Guatemala and Turkey.

  • A Birthday Gift Story (First Useful Painting)

    Rewind to a few years ago… Okay. So while sipping green tea in my lonely apartment, a friend of mine rang me out of the blue and asked ‘So, what are you bringing to the birthday party?’ Surprised by such forwardness, I answered the only way I could, with a heartfelt, ‘Who the hell is […]