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A while ago, a few friends and I decided to get together to have a Posada which is a very popular Mexican tradition. Which also means that it is a very Christian tradition in some Latin countries meant to represent and/or recreate Maria and Joseph’s search for shelter in Bethlehem just before the arrival of Jesus into the world.

In the old country, their search is formalized by a “celebration consisting of a procession with candles, sometimes with individuals selected to play the parts of Mary and Joseph, or sometimes images of them are carried in their stead.” Think of it as a large scale diorama!

“…The procession will make its way to a particular home, where a special song is sung. In this song those outside the house sing the part of Joseph asking for shelter and the family inside responds singing the part of the innkeeper saying that there is no room. The song switches back and forth a few times until finally the innkeeper decides to let them in. The door is opened and everyone goes inside.”

It is quite the spectacle to behold…
And of course we did nothing of that sort. What we did was the getting together part. Yes, that part we got right.

Got a ton of food and with the help of three authentic-yet-legal-Mexicans friends we got to cooking authentic empanadas, tacos and quesadillas. Plus we drank a lot of wine, which I think goes with the spirit of the Holidays, right? In the end it was a very enjoyable feast along with the company of some very (legal) good friends.

Now, this capture was taken while one of my non-Mexican friends and possibly an illegal Bulgarian was reading a tiny Bible we found at our host’s house. He looked hilarious and a bit on the adorable side so I took my camera out and clicked away.

This photo was taken using a D700 and a 50mm lens.

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