Author: Mauricio Alas

  • My Paintings (Part I)

    A few weeks ago, I attended a star-studded and relatively new European Film Festival held in the glorious…well, actually my ancient-locally-owned independent movie theater about twenty minutes from my house… and on top of that, the screenings were free. So…maybe it was not all that but you really couldn’t go wrong with that. Anyway, one […]

  • All Good Things: The Compass Culture

    All Good Things: The Compass Culture

    It has been two years ago, already? Time indeed does fly by. It was two short years ago I was fortunate enough to help a friend to start off a project she had wanted to do for a long time. ‘Start an online travel magazine!’ she said, with people from all over the world contributing […]

  • Fightin’ Stress — Paint Through It!

    Fightin’ Stress — Paint Through It!

    Stress comes in many forms and sizes. It is part of life and for some out there it happens more often than with others. People handle it differently, depending on the subject in question. I once knew someone who lost their home, separated from their wife and got laid off work, all within the same […]

  • Little Known Facts In British History (Prt. II)

    One of most interesting developments in the Human condition occurred in the small-backwater-town of Enfield, England, just 16.3km from Charing Cross, 18.8km from the London Stone and in case you are an abradant cockney, 18.9km from St. Mary-le-Bow, you dandy city-folk. In 1810, at age 40, philosopher but mostly part-time cat farmer Meil Sans Bishopsgate […]