Category: Poetry

  • Ravine Zen

    Ravine Zen a photo by Mauricio Alas. Recently, I had been waiting for some surgery. True, it is not the one thing one usually waits for and although not fatal it does mean going to a hospital and getting mildly cut open. Not 1960’s style where they would cut you like a roast. No, in […]

  • Firenze & Sunset

    Firenze & Sunset a photo by Mauricio Alas. While travelling in the North of Italy, one of the key cities to visit was of course, Florence. The old town of the city, like most ‘old towns’ seemed to cater to tourists but with a twist. Although Firenze was guilty of the same, it was not […]

  • Lanthos: A Poetry Collection

    Have to admit, have been quite busy with side projects in the last 2 months! So I will just jump into it and without any further ado, I would like to share with the world my entire poetry collection!  ‘You wrote poetry?!’ You may ask. Yes, indeed, I did. For many years before I switched […]

  • Poetry Corner: Somnio, Spero, Victum!

    Now, you are sleeping, so late at night   Eyes closed and lost in dreams I think of you. In the frost of winter, where nothing clear it seems   Yet, your lover thinks That he does deem Indeed, he is so lucky To cherish you, my love, so he can you esteem   Hold […]