Tag: anti-social

  • Blogs, Blogs, Blogs, Blogs: Blogs!

    Just in case you are wondering, I can almost feel the strangle-hold of irony chocking me as I write this. You see, about two years ago I had an interesting conversation about the ‘Year of the Blog.’ My friend and I spoke about ease of accessibility and amazing technology penetration in North America. After a […]

  • Well, well…Where have *you* been?

    That is what I have been hearing from most friends as of late. Since it seems –and righthly so– that I pulled a dissapearing act. Yes, *poof* just like that. I wish I could say that I have been travelling or exploring the inner trenches of our city. Better yet, left all my belongings and […]

  • Newsreel: The USA In The News

    With the impending wet dream the current US administration is bound to have after waiting 50 years for Fidel Castro to possibly bite the dust, its only a matter of time before a river of Cuba Libre is flowing like water down the Hill. After all, getting your world super-power ass owned while invading one […]

  • Children? Me? No. I Am Good, Really.

    Ah, the opportunity to write a few words on the beauty of not having children. ‘Sure,’ some of you may be think ‘as you get older, you’ll change your mind.’ Well, I would not be too sure about that. As I get older –29 in July- I have been invited to a few parties in […]