
Tag : Photography

Projecto Italia: The Night


So the night came! Wednesday the 26th, it was a nice bright day and I had the chance to throw a reception displaying my photography. It was a wonderful time to show photos from my latest collection and to have a bit fun while at it. The current collection, Projecto Italia focuses on the historical and everyday life of Italy, as its citizen weave in and out of monuments everyday which have lasted, standing tall for centuries, bearing witness to the endless cycle of societies come and go within Italy.

However, you can’t stay still, hence I am working on my new exhibit, Projecto Toronto!

Nevertheless, it was a great reason to get together, toast, sell a few pieces of art and make a lot of new friends, not to mention chat with a few old faces I had not seen in a while.

Project Italia: A Photography Reception

Mario Munoz was our live entertainment and wowed the crowd with his classical guitar. His music resonated well, not only with the energy of the event but also acoustically. The man knows his strings. Expect to see him again in one of my future events and thank you, Reggie and Emilie for the help with the photography and earnest video. I have always been really bad at keeping records of things like this for myself due to some silly notion of modesty, which can at times such as this, be nothing but detrimental.

Being able to share my work is a pleasure and I am very thankful to all of you who came out to support and shared a drink with me.

Projecto Italia: A Photography Reception

Projecto Italia: A Photography Reception

One of the most interesting, rewarding things an artist can ever do is to display his or her work. Of course, nothing but I mean nothing will ever take away from the cheer act of creating. It is after all the very drive of creating what makes us do what we do.

Venezia Rose

However being able to share the fruits of our labour with others, with the world can and should be an enjoyable, humbling and educational experience. This is the very reason why I wanted to have another opportunity to do so… and to serve as an excuse to meet friends, family and new faces alike. Who am I to say ‘no’ to a welcoming excuse for a toast?

Projecto Italia is a photography collection driven by a love of Italian architecture, its history and unique panoramas. A modern country still strongly rooted in an old world cradle that are it’s buildings, towns, monuments and values. I was inspired to go there, as it happens sometimes in life, by the dreams of someone else. After hearing her stories and being swept by her passionate enthusiasm, I felt compelled to travel 7000 kilometres and attempt to capture some of those very moments through my lenses. It was a great experience.


From the symmetry of the spiral stairs of the Vatican, immense tombs in Florence or the nostalgic canals of Venice, please join me at Insomnia Lounge for Projecto Italia: A Photography Reception. Select pieces from Project Italia will be on display at the front lounge on Wednesday, 7:30pm, July 24th, 2013.

Hope to see you there!

Red & Misguided

Red & Misguided by The Torontonian
Red & Misguided a photo by Mauricio Alas. A larger version can be seen on Flickr.

As part of my first set of classes teaching photography, I took my small class through a quick tour of the inner city. Hoping the vibrant urban quality of Kensington Market and a few graffiti laden back-alleys to serve as a unusual type of inspiration for my students.

Going through the basics can be fun as you might actually remember the ‘WHY’ something is done, which may help, especially if you are a seasoned photographer to tweak your style, even if it is temporarily. As once everything is mastered or any habit becomes second nature, most of us don’t usually revisit they ‘why’ of doing things because we get comfortable and one less thing to worry about on assignment. 

So after a few hours walking the city, they managed to take some nice photos and increased their grasp on photography plus hopefully discovered something new about self expression. 

Now this particular shot was taken in Graffiti Alley Toronto using a D700.

Mayday, Incoming Puppy Landing!

On a rainy day, as I stood outside my sister’s house, “Terry” her hyperactive dog, decided on a whim that he was going to be a furry rocket running literal circles in her yard. Amusing? No, not really. Cute? Well, perhaps. After a few drinks.

Anyway, as he did his rounds and demands for our attention, I thought it would be perfect to catch him in an action shot to photography what puppy vivaciousness looks at work.

So without further ado, as he came closer towards me and better than if I had asked him to pose, the puppy landed on the deck. An adorable picture if I say so myself.

Taken with a D700 Nikon 50mm.